WARCRAFT: THE GREAT WAR! By Paul O'Keefe Warcraft: The Great War is a brand new level that I created. I downloaded a Warcraft level construction kit off of Compuserve about two weeks ago. Since then, I have been working on a really cool level, which you have just downloaded. I know it is hard, and you may throw your computer against the wall a few times before you beat it, but it IS possible. I beat it in about an hour, using NO CHEAT CODES!!! NO POT OF GOLDS! NO EYE OF NEWTS! NO IRON FORGES! I used the resources and beat the level. In this level, you play the bloodthirsty Orcs. I give you plenty of men to start off with: 4 raiders, 4 spearmen, 4 peons, 2 necrolytes, 2 warlocks, 2 grunts and 1 catapult. These warriors can defend your base for quite a while. There is a mine with 64,000 units of gold practically right next to your Town Hall. If you use that up (I did!) there is another mine with 64,000 units of gold just a bit farther. You start off with 2500 gold and 2000 lumber. But you'll go through that fairly quickly. There are plenty of trees around, but none of my buildings ever got destroyed, so you won't need much lumber. (they did get damaged though) You might recognize the map that I built off of, but I changed it quite a bit. Your base is at the top, their BASES are along the bottom. There is a river going right across the middle of the map, dividing your base from his. There are four bridges, plus a super secret place where you can WALK ON WATER!! In some places, you can also WALK ON TREES! It looks really cool. But beware, the enemy uses these special places a lot. When you start you have a full town, complete with town hall, barracks, tower, temple, lumber mill, blacksmith, kennel, and farms. You won't have enough farms to support your existing troops, so be sure to build more. Also, you will NOT HAVE ANY TECHNOLOGY! Whatever you want, you'll have to research. I may have had an unfair advantage over you when I beat this level. I built it, so I know where the base is, where choke points are, secret paths, cutoff points, etc. Feel free to use SALLY SHEARS to see the map and plan your strategy, but turn it off when you start actually playing. But don't use any other cheats, unless you're a wimp and can't beat a level.If you beat this level WITHOUT USING ANY CHEATS, consider yourself a great Warcraft player. That's about it. If you want to know my strategy, keep reading. Otherwise stop reading and start playing my level. GOOD LUCK! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! ONLY KEEP READING IF YOU WANT SOME HINTS! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! ONLY KEEP READING IF YOU WANT SOME HINTS! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! ONLY KEEP READING IF YOU WANT SOME HINTS! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! ONLY KEEP READING IF YOU WANT SOME HINTS! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! ONLY KEEP READING IF YOU WANT SOME HINTS! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! ONLY KEEP READING IF YOU WANT SOME HINTS! These hints might not be very useful, but they're the strategy I used to beat the level. 1. The enemy only attacks using the 2 central bridges, and the walk-across water part, which is in between the 2 central bridges. I played the whole level and only one archer went through the bridge on the far right. Position your troops so that you can cover all 3 ways. 2. Build Warlocks. Demons are very powerful, and can break through most defenses. There are groups of archers at the bottom of all the bridges. Use demons to attack the bases. Only use your troops for defense, unless a demon has managed to kill all of the troops of a certain base, then you will want to send dome people down to finish the base off. 3. The First time you attack an enemy base, the enemy will mount a massive attack on your own base. You will want to have 1 or 2 demons at your base to help defend it. The good ting is that after this huge attack, the enemy bases are not very well defended. 4. Enemy catapults are your worst enemy. Make sure you have explored enough so that you can kill a catapult before it fires right into the middle of your defensive line. Just get in close to a catapult, and it won't be able to hit you. 5. The town you have when you start off is inadequate. You will want to add a second or maybe even a third barracks. You will also need many more farms. 6. You start off with two necrolytes. I never built any more. All I did with them was use unholy armor a few times, a used dark vision a lot. A LOT! I had uncovered almost the entire map. This really helps and lets you plan ahead if you see troops gathering far an attack. GOOD LUCK WITH WARCRAFT: THE GREAT WAR!